Meet Aline

Hello there!

I’m Aline Maia, a registered psychotherapist that has had a fulfilling 17-year career (and counting!) devoted to helping people thrive on their personal and professional lives.

I completed a MA in Psychology at UFRN (Brazil) and a M.Ed in Counselling Psychology at University Ottawa. I am a member in good standing of the College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario (CRPO) with Independent Practice status.

Below are some quick highlights of my experience.

1:1 psychotherapy

The core of my work for almost two decades has been working with individuals in private practice.

I find it particularly energizing to see the quick progress that can be achieved through therapy. I believe in the power of human connection to transform patters that no longer serve my clients and that therapy, at it’s best, is a safe space for self-exploration, humour and concrete steps towards change

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to practice various therapeutical approaches (ACT, CBT, attachment theory, among others), while supporting clients in overcoming issues such as: anxiety, perfectionism, postpartum concerns, career guidance, and many others.

Today, I lean on these varied experiences to build a tailored approach to help each client find solutions to their particular challenges.

Empowering managers and executives. Bringing mental health to the workplace.

I’ve had the privilege of working in difference capacities in the corporate and public service settings.

I work closely with managers and executives, helping them develop crucial skills to advance on their careers and create a productive and collaborative environment.

Supporting women in their careers and family lives

My career has afforded me a wealth of experience in working with executives and professional women, addressing the unique challenges they face. From the pressures of productivity to the ever-present shadow of impostor’s syndrome, my expertise allows me to guide clients through these issues with resilience and grace.

Moreover, career is just one of the many challenges in a woman’s life. As a mother of two myself, I intimately understand the joys and challenges of parenthood. I have a profound understanding of the postpartum challenges that many women face and offer unwavering support and guidance to new (and seasoned) mothers navigating the complexities of motherhood.

I tailor my therapeutic approach to the specific needs of each client, fostering personal growth and empowerment in the face of professional challenges.

Training a new generation of psychotherapists

One of my passions is sharing what I have learned over the years to help train a new generation of competent and caring psychotherapists.

I believe my fundamental role as a supervisor is to support novice clinicians find their own style of practicing psychotherapy while providing guidance to navigate the challenges of working with clients from all walks of life.

I had the worked as an university professor both teaching theoretical classes and supervising students completing their practicum requirements to become license to practice.

To know more about my work as a supervisor, send me an email and I will be happy to chat about that!

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